§48‑6‑102. Readoption after a stepparent adoption.
(a) In addition to themethods set out in G.S. 48‑6‑101, a former parent may petitionpursuant to this section to readopt an adoptee adopted by a stepparent.
(b) The petitioner'sspouse shall not join the petition.
(c) Consent to thereadoption must be executed by:
(1) The adoptee, if 12or more years of age;
(2) The petitioner'sspouse, if any;
(3) The adoptee'sadoptive parent, if the adoptee is a minor;
(4) The adoptee's parentwho is or was the spouse of the adoptive parent, if the adoptee is a minor; and
(5) Any guardian of theadoptee.
(d) The consentexecuted by the adoptee shall conform to the requirements of G.S. 48‑4‑103(e).
(e) The consentexecuted by the petitioner's spouse shall conform to the requirements of G.S.48‑5‑102(c).
(f) The consentexecuted by the adoptive parent shall conform to the requirements of G.S. 48‑4‑103(b).
(g) The consent of theadoptee's parent who was the spouse of the adoptive parent shall conform to therequirements of G.S. 48‑4‑103(a) except for those required by G.S.48‑4‑103(a)(2)b.
(h) A consent executedby the guardian of a minor adoptee shall conform to the requirements of G.S. 48‑4‑103(c).
(i) An adoption underthis section does not affect the relationship between the adoptee and theparent who was married to the adoptive parent.
(j) An adoption underthis section does not terminate or otherwise affect any existing order ofcustody. (1949, c. 300; 1983, c. 454, s. 6; 1995, c. 457, s.2.)