§ 48‑9‑109. Certain disclosures authorized.
Nothing in this Article shallbe interpreted or construed to prevent:
(1) An employee of acourt, agency, or any other person from:
a. Inspectingpermanent, confidential, or sealed records, other than records maintained bythe State Registrar, for the purpose of discharging any obligation under thisChapter.
b. Disclosing the nameof the court where a proceeding for adoption occurred, or the name of an agencythat placed an adoptee, to an individual described in G.S. 48‑9‑104who can verify his or her identity.
c. Disclosing or usinginformation contained in permanent and sealed records, other than recordsmaintained by the State Registrar, for statistical or other research purposesas long as the disclosure will not result in identification of a person who isthe subject of the information and subject to any further conditions theDepartment may reasonably impose.
(2) In agencyplacements, a parent or guardian placing a child for adoption and the adoptingparents from authorizing an agency to release information or from releasinginformation to each other that could reasonably be expected to lead directly tothe identity of an adoptee, an adoptive parent of an adoptee, or an adoptee'splacing parent or guardian. The consent to the release of identifyinginformation shall be in writing and signed prior to the adoption by any placingparent or guardian and the adopting parents and acknowledged under oath in thepresence of an individual authorized to administer oaths or takeacknowledgments. Any consent to release identifying information shall be filedunder G.S. 48‑2‑305.
(3) The Division fromsharing information from its records regarding the identity of birth parentswith an agency acting as a confidential intermediary pursuant to G.S. 48‑9‑104(b),if the information is needed by the agency to carry out its duties as aconfidential intermediary. Any information disclosed to the agency pursuant tothis subdivision shall not be redisclosed by the agency except as allowed byG.S. 48‑9‑104(b). (1995, c. 457, s. 2; 2001‑150, s. 13; 2007‑262,s. 4.)