§50‑13.3. Enforcement of order for custody.
(a) An order providingfor the custody of a minor child is enforceable by proceedings for civilcontempt, and its disobedience may be punished by proceedings for criminalcontempt, as provided in Chapter 5A, Contempt, of the General Statutes.
Notwithstanding the provisionsof G.S. 1‑294, an order pertaining to child custody which has beenappealed to the appellate division is enforceable in the trial court byproceedings for civil contempt during the pendency of the appeal. Upon motionof an aggrieved party, the court of the appellate division in which the appealis pending may stay any order for civil contempt entered for child custodyuntil the appeal is decided, if justice requires.
(b) Any court of thisState having jurisdiction to make an award of custody of a minor child in anaction or proceeding therefor, shall have the power of injunction in suchaction or proceeding as provided in Article 37 of Chapter 1 of the GeneralStatutes and G.S. 1A‑1, Rule 65. (1967, c. 1153, s. 2; 1969,c. 895, s. 16; 1977, c. 711, s. 26; 1983, c. 530, s. 2.)