§ 50‑91. Appointment ofparenting coordinator.
(a) The court mayappoint a parenting coordinator at any time during the proceedings of a childcustody action involving minor children brought under Article 1 of this Chapterif all parties consent to the appointment. The parties may agree to limit theparenting coordinator's decision‑making authority to specific issues orareas.
(b) The court mayappoint a parenting coordinator without the consent of the parties upon entryof a custody order other than an ex parte order, or upon entry of a parentingplan only if the court also makes specific findings that the action is a high‑conflictcase, that the appointment of the parenting coordinator is in the bestinterests of any minor child in the case, and that the parties are able to payfor the cost of the parenting coordinator.
(c) The orderappointing a parenting coordinator shall specify the issues the parentingcoordinator is directed to assist the parties in resolving and deciding. Theorder may also incorporate any agreement regarding the role of the parentingcoordinator made by the parties under subsection (a) of this section. The courtshall give a copy of the appointment order to the parties prior to theappointment conference. Notwithstanding the appointment of a parentingcoordinator, the court shall retain exclusive jurisdiction to determinefundamental issues of custody, visitation, and support, and the authority toexercise management and control of the case.
(d) The court shallselect a parenting coordinator from a list maintained by the district court.Prior to the appointment conference, the court must complete and give to theparenting coordinator a referral form listing contact information for theparties and their attorneys, the court's findings in support of theappointment, and any agreement by the parties. (2005‑228, s. 1.)