§ 51‑18.1. Correctionof errors in application or license; amendment of names in application orlicense.
(a) When it shallappear to the register of deeds of any county in this State that information isincorrectly stated on an application for a marriage license, or upon a marriagelicense issued thereunder, or upon a return or certificate of an officiatingofficer, the register of deeds is authorized to correct such record or recordsupon being furnished with an affidavit signed by one or both of the applicantsfor the marriage license, accompanied by affidavits of at least two otherpersons who know the correct information.
(b) When the name of aparty to a marriage has been changed by court order as a result of alegitimation action or other cause of action, and the party whose name ischanged presents a signed affidavit to the register of deeds indicating thename change and requesting that the application for a marriage license, themarriage license, and the marriage certificate of the officiating officer beamended by substituting the changed name for the original name, the register ofdeeds may amend the records as requested by the party, provided the other partynamed in the records consents to the amendment. (1953, c. 797; 1959, c. 344;1987, c. 576; 2001‑62, s. 12.)