§53‑104. Commissioner of Banks shall have supervision over, etc.
Every bank or corporationtransacting the business of banking, or doing a banking business in connectionwith any other business, under the laws of and within this State, and anyindividual, partnership, association, or corporation which undertakes orattempts to transact the business of banking, or do a banking business inconnection with any other business, shall be under the supervision of theCommissioner of Banks. It shall be his duty to execute and enforce through theState bank examiners and such other agents as are now or may hereafter becreated or appointed, all laws which are now or may hereafter be enactedrelating to banks as defined in this Chapter. For the more complete and thoroughenforcement of the provisions of this Chapter, the State Banking Commission ishereby empowered to promulgate such rules not inconsistent with the provisionsof this Chapter, as may, in its opinion, be necessary to carry out theprovisions of the laws relating to banks and banking as herein defined, and asmay be further necessary to insure safe and conservative management of thebanks under its supervision taking into consideration the appropriate interestof the depositors, creditors, stockholders, and the public in their relationswith such banks. All banks doing business under the provisions of this Chaptershall conduct their business in a manner consistent with all laws relating tobanks and banking, and all rules, regulations, and instructions that may bepromulgated or issued by the State Banking Commission. (1921,c. 4, s. 63; C.S., s. 222(a); 1931, c. 243, s. 5; 1939, c. 91, s. 2; 1945, c.743, s. 1; 1979, c. 483, s. 10.)