§53‑107. Penalty for failure to make report.
Every bank failing to make andtransmit any report which the Commissioner of Banks is authorized to require bythis Chapter, and in and according to the form prescribed by said Commissionerof Banks, within 10 days after the receipt of a request or requisitiontherefor, or within the extension of time granted by the Commissioner of Banksheretofore provided or failing to publish the reports as required, shallforthwith be notified by the Commissioner of Banks, and if such failurecontinue for five days after the receipt of such notice, such delinquent bankshall be subject to a penalty of two hundred dollars ($200.00). The penaltyherein provided for shall be recovered in a civil action in any court ofcompetent jurisdiction, and it shall be the duty of the Attorney General toprosecute all such actions. (1921, c. 4, s. 67; C.S., s.222(e); 1931, c. 243, s. 5; 1979, c. 483, s. 13.)