§ 53‑124. Examinermaking false report.
If any bank examiner shallknowingly and willfully make any false or fraudulent report of the condition ofany bank, which shall have been examined by him, with the intent to aid or abetthe officers, owners, or agents of such bank in continuing to operate aninsolvent bank, or if any such examiner shall keep or accept any bribe orgratuity given for the purpose of inducing him not to file any report ofexamination of any bank made by him, or shall neglect to make an examination ofany bank by reason of having received or accepted any bribe or gratuity, heshall be guilty of a Class H felony. (1921, c. 4, s. 79; C.S., s.224(a); 1993, c. 539, s. 1265; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)