§53‑185. Rules and regulations by Banking Commission and Commissioner.
The State Banking Commissionis hereby authorized, empowered and directed to make all rules and regulationsdeemed by the Commission to be necessary in implementing this Article and inproviding for the protection of the borrowing public and the efficientmanagement of such licensees and to give all necessary instructions to suchlicensees for the purpose of interpreting this Article; provided, theCommissioner is hereby authorized to make such rules and regulations and issuesuch orders as he deems necessary and desirable in implementing and carryingout the provisions of G.S. 53‑184. And it shall be the duty of all suchlicensees, their officers, agents and employees, to comply fully with all suchrules, regulations and instructions. When promulgated, any rule or regulationshall be forwarded by mail to each licensee at its licensed place of businessat least 20 days prior to its effective date. (1955, c. 1279; 1961, c.1053, s. 1.)