§ 53‑208.29. Appointment of Secretary of State as agent for service of process.
(a) Any licensee,authorized delegate, or other person who knowingly engages in businessactivities that are regulated under this Article, with or without filing anapplication, is deemed to have done both of the following:
(1) Consented to thejurisdiction of the courts of this State for all actions arising under thisArticle; and
(2) Appointed theSecretary of State as such person's agent for the purpose of accepting service ofprocess in any action, suit, or proceeding that may arise under this Article.
(b) Within threebusiness days after service of process upon the Secretary of State, theSecretary shall transmit by certified mail copies of all lawful processaccepted by the Secretary as an agent of that person at its last known address.Service of process shall be considered complete three business days after theCommissioner deposits copies of the documents in the United States mail. (2001‑443, s. 2.)