§ 53‑224.24. Examinations; periodic reports; cooperative agreements; assessment of fees.
(a) The Commissionermay make such examinations of any branch of an out‑of‑state statebank established under this Article and located in this State as the Commissionermay deem necessary to determine whether the branch is operating in compliancewith the laws of this State and to ensure that the branch is being operated ina safe and sound manner. The provisions of G.S. 53‑117 apply to suchexaminations.
(b) The Commissionermay require periodic reports regarding any branch in North Carolina of an out‑of‑statebank to the extent that comparable reports are required from North CarolinaState banks. Such reports shall be filed under oath with such frequency and insuch scope and detail as may be appropriate for the purpose of assuringcontinuing compliance with the provisions of this Article.
(c) The Commissionermay enter into cooperative, coordinating, and information‑sharingagreements with any other bank supervisory agencies or any organizationaffiliated with or representing one or more bank supervisory agencies withrespect to the periodic examination or other supervision of any branch in NorthCarolina of an out‑of‑state state bank, or any branch of a NorthCarolina State bank in a host state, and the Commissioner may accept suchparties' reports of examination and reports of investigation in lieu ofconducting an additional examination or investigation. The Commissioner mayenter into joint examinations or joint enforcement actions with other banksupervisory agencies having concurrent jurisdiction over any branch in NorthCarolina of an out‑of‑state state bank or any branch of a NorthCarolina State bank in any host state; provided, however, that the Commissionermay at any time take such actions independently if the Commissioner deems suchactions to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the Commissioner'sresponsibilities under this Article and to ensure compliance with the laws ofthis State.
(d) Each out‑of‑statestate bank that maintains one or more branches in this State may be assessedand, if assessed, shall pay supervisory and examination fees in accordance withthe laws of this State and regulations of the Commissioner. Such fees may beshared with other bank supervisory agencies or any organization affiliated withor representing one or more bank supervisory agencies in accordance withagreements between such parties and the Commissioner. (1995,c. 322, s. 2.)