§ 53‑388. List ofclaims presented, copies, and proviso.
Upon the expiration of thetime fixed for presentation of claims, the Commissioner shall make a full andcomplete list of the claims presented, including and specifying any claims thathave been rejected. One copy shall be filed in the office of the clerk of thesuperior court of the county in which the action is pending, and one copy shallbe kept on file with the inventory in the principal office of the State trustcompany for examination. Any indebtedness against any State trust company whichhas been established or recognized as a valid liability of the State trustcompany before it went into liquidation, for which no claimant has filed claim,or any liability for which a claim has been filed and rejected, shall be listedby the Commissioner in the office of the clerk of the superior court of thecounty in which the action is pending. Any claim that may be presented afterthe expiration of the time fixed for the presentation of claims in the noticeprovided in G.S. 53‑386 shall, if allowed, share pro rata in thedistribution but only as to those assets of the State trust company in thehands of the Commissioner that are undistributed at the time the claim ispresented. (2001‑263,s. 1.)