§ 54B‑14. Grounds forapproval or denial of application.
(a) After considerationof the findings and recommendation of the Commissioner of Banks and his oraltestimony, if any, and the consideration of such other information andevidence, either written or oral, as has come before it at the public hearing,the Commission shall approve or disapprove the application within 30 days afterthe public hearing. The Commission shall approve the application if it findsthat the certificate of incorporation is in compliance with the provisions ofG.S. 54B‑10, that all the criteria set out in G.S. 54B‑12 have beencomplied with, and that all other applicable provisions of this Chapter, rulesand regulations, and the General Statutes have been complied with.
(b) If the Commissionapproves the application, the Commissioner of Banks shall so notify theSecretary of State with a certificate of approval, accompanied by the originalof the certificate of incorporation and the two conformed copies.
(c) Upon receipt of thecertificate of approval, the original of the certificate of incorporation, andthe two conformed copies, the Secretary of State shall, upon the payment by thenewly chartered association of the appropriate organization tax and fees, filethe certificate of incorporation in accordance with G.S. 55‑1‑20.He shall certify under his official seal the two conformed copies of thecertificate of incorporation, one of which shall forthwith be forwarded to theincorporators or their representative, for the purpose of recordation in theoffice of the register of deeds of the county where the principal office of theassociation shall be located, the other of which shall be forwarded to theoffice of the Commissioner of Banks for filing. Upon the recordation of thecertificate of incorporation by the Secretary of State, the association shallbe a body politic and corporate under the name stated in such certificate, andshall be authorized to begin the savings and loan business when duly licensedby the Commissioner of Banks.
(d) The saidcertificate of incorporation, or a copy thereof, duly certified by theSecretary of State, or by the register of deeds of the county where theassociation is located, or by the Commissioner of Banks, under their respectiveseals, shall be evidence in all courts and places, and shall, in all judicialproceedings, be deemed prima facie evidence of the complete organization andincorporation of the association purporting thereby to have been established. (1981, c. 282, s. 3; 1983, c.144, s. 9; 1985, c. 369; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 806, s. 18; 2001‑193,s. 16.)