§ 54B‑57. Supervisionand examination fees.
(a) Every Stateassociation, including associations in process of voluntary liquidation orsavings and loan holding company, shall pay into the office of the Commissionerof Banks each July a supervisory fee. Examination fees shall be paid promptlyupon an association's receipt of the examination billing. The Commissioner ofBanks, subject to the advice and consent of the Commission, shall, on or beforeJune 1 of each year:
(1) Determine and fixthe scale of supervisory and examination fees to be assessed and collectedduring the next fiscal year;
(2) Determine and fixthe amount of the fee and set the fee collection schedule for the fees to beassessed to and collected from applicants to defray the cost of processingtheir charter, branch, merger, conversion, location change, savings and loanholding company acquisition, and name change applications.
(b) All funds andrevenue collected by the Division under the provisions of this section and theprovisions of all other sections of this Chapter which authorize the collectionof fees and other funds shall be deposited with the State Treasurer of NorthCarolina and expended under the terms of the Executive Budget Act, solely todefray expenses incurred by the office of the Commissioner of Banks in carryingout its supervisory and auditing functions.
(c) Notwithstanding anyof the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section, whenever theCommissioner of Banks under the provisions of G.S. 54B‑56 appoints a suitableand competent person, other than a person employed by the Commissioner ofBanks' office, to make an examination and investigation of the business of aState association, all costs and expenses relative to such examination andinvestigation shall be paid by such association. (1981, c. 282, s. 3; 1983, c.144, s. 15; 1985, c. 659, s. 10; 2001‑193, s. 16.)