§ 54C‑204. Specialconditions.
(a) The Commissioner ofBanks may require an out‑of‑state savings bank to designate one ofits branches in North Carolina as a "headquarters branch" and may, byrule, require that reports, books, and records required of savings banks doingbusiness under this Article be available at the designated headquarters branch.
(b) Once an out‑of‑statesavings bank has established at least one branch in North Carolina pursuant tothis Article, subsequent applications to establish additional branches shall beconsidered on the same basis as an application of a State savings bank toestablish an additional branch pursuant to G.S. 54C‑23.
(c) If an out‑of‑statesavings bank establishes a branch or branches by merger with or purchase from asavings bank located in this State, and the out‑of‑state savingsbank and the savings bank located in this State are both owned by the sameholding company, any conditions, limitations, or restrictions placed on theholding company, pursuant to Article 9 of this Chapter, shall continue to applyto both the acquiring out‑of‑state savings bank and its holdingcompany. (1993,c. 191, s. 3; 2001‑193, s. 16.)