§ 55A‑16‑23. Principal office address.
(a) Any corporationthat does not designate the street address and the mailing address, ifdifferent from the street address, of the corporation's principal office andthe county of location in an annual report or its articles of incorporationshall file a Designation of Principal Office Address form with the Secretary ofState that contains that information.
(b) A corporation maychange its principal office by delivering to the Secretary of State for filinga Corporation's Statement of Change of Principal Office form that sets forth:
(1) The street address,and the mailing address if different from the street address, of thecorporation's current principal office and the county in which it is located;and
(2) The street address,and the mailing address if different from the street address, of the newprincipal office and the county in which it is located. (1995, c. 539, s. 21; 2001‑358,s. 48(d); 2001‑387, ss. 173, 175(a); 2001‑413, s. 6.)