§ 55B‑2. Definitions.
As used in this Chapter, thefollowing words shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have thefollowing meanings:
(1) "Disqualifiedperson" means a licensed person who for any reason becomes legallydisqualified to render the same professional services which are or were beingrendered by the professional corporation of which such person is an officer,director, shareholder or employee.
(2) "Licensee"means any natural person who is duly licensed by the appropriate licensing boardto render the same professional services which will be rendered by theprofessional corporation of which he is, or intends to become, an officer,director, shareholder or employee.
(3) "Licensingboard" means a board which is charged with the licensing and regulating ofthe profession or practice in this State in which the professional corporationis organized to engage.
(4) The term"licensing board," as the same applies to attorneys at law, shallmean the Council of the North Carolina State Bar, and it shall include theNorth Carolina State Board of Law Examiners only to the extent that the NorthCarolina Board of Law Examiners is authorized to issue licenses for thepractice of law under the supervision of the Council of the North CarolinaState Bar.
(5) "Professionalcorporation" means a corporation which is engaged in rendering theprofessional services as herein specified and defined, pursuant to acertificate of registration issued by the Licensing Board regulating theprofession or practice, and which has as its shareholders only thoseindividuals permitted by G.S. 55B‑6 of this Chapter to be shareholdersand which designates itself as may be required by this statute, and which isorganized under the provisions of this Chapter and of Chapter 55, the NorthCarolina Business Corporation Act.
(6) The term"professional service" means any type of personal or professionalservice of the public which requires as a condition precedent to the renderingof such service the obtaining of a license from a licensing board as hereindefined, and pursuant to the following provisions of the General Statutes:Chapter 83A, "Architects"; Chapter 84, "Attorneys‑at‑Law";Chapter 93, "Public Accountants"; and the following Articles inChapter 90: Article 1, "Practice of Medicine," Article 2,"Dentistry," Article 6, "Optometry," Article 7,"Osteopathy," Article 8, "Chiropractic," Article 9A,"Nursing Practice Act," with regard to registered nurses, Article 11,"Veterinarians," Article 12A, "Podiatrists," Article 18A,"Practicing Psychologists," Article 18C, "Marriage and FamilyTherapy Licensure," Article 18D, "Occupational Therapy," Article22, "Licensure Act for Speech and Language Pathologists andAudiologists," and Article 24, "Licensed ProfessionalCounselors"; Chapter 89C, "Engineering and Land Surveying";Chapter 89A, "Landscape Architects"; Chapter 90B, "Social WorkerCertification and Licensure Act" with regard to Licensed Clinical SocialWorkers as defined by G.S. 90B‑3; Chapter 89E, "Geologists";Chapter 89B, "Foresters"; and Chapter 89F, "North Carolina SoilScientist Licensing Act". (1969, c. 718, s. 2; 1971, c. 196, s. 1; 1977, c. 53;c. 855, s. 1; 1979, c. 460; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1024, s. 3; 1991, c.205, s. 1; 1995, c. 382, s. 2; 1997‑421, s. 2; 2000‑115, s. 4; 2001‑487,s. 40(d); 2003‑117, s. 3; 2004‑199, s. 19; 2004‑203, s. 4.)