§57C‑1‑32. Penalties imposed upon domestic and foreign limitedliability companies for failure to answer interrogatories.
(a) If a foreign ordomestic limited liability company fails or refuses to answer truthfully andfully within the time prescribed in this Chapter interrogatories propounded bythe Secretary of State in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, theSecretary of State may suspend its articles of organization or its certificateof authority to do business in this State.
(b) Each manager of aforeign or domestic limited liability company who fails or refuses within thetime prescribed by this Chapter to answer truthfully and fully interrogatoriespropounded to the manager by the Secretary of State in accordance with theprovisions of this Chapter shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (1993,c. 354, s. 1; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 14, s. 39.)