§ 58‑2‑250. Electronic filings.
(a) As used in thissection:
(1) "Commissioner'sdesignee" includes the National Insurance Producer Registry of the NAIC.
(2) "License"includes any license, certificate, registration, or permit issued under thisChapter.
(3) "Licensee"means any person who holds a license.
(b) Notwithstanding anyother provision of this Chapter, the Commissioner may adopt rules that requirean applicant for a license or a licensee to file documents electronically withthe Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee. The rules adopted under thissection may contain procedures for the electronic payment of any fee requiredunder this Chapter and the electronic filing of documents, including:
(1) Any documentrequired as part of an application for a license under this Chapter.
(2) Any documentrequired to be filed by an applicant for a license or a licensee to maintainthe license in good standing.
(3) Any other documentrequired or permitted to be filed.
(c) The Commissioner orthe Commissioner's designee may charge an administrative fee for electronicfiling. Fees charged for the processing of an electronic filing are in additionto any other fee imposed for the filing. Fees charged for an electronic filingare limited to the actual cost of the electronic transaction.
(d) This section doesnot supersede any other provision of law that requires the electronic filing ofa document or requires an applicant for a license or a licensee to make anyother filing electronically. (2009‑383, s. 2.)