§ 58‑2‑47. Incident affecting operations of the Department; stay of deadlines and deemerprovisions.
Regardless of whether a stateof disaster has been proclaimed under G.S. 166A‑6 or declared under theStafford Act, whenever an incident beyond the Department's reasonable control,including an act of God, insurrection, strike, fire, power outage, orsystematic technological failure, substantially affects the daily businessoperations of the Department, the Commissioner may issue an order, effectiveimmediately, to stay the application of any deadlines and deemer provisionsimposed by law or rule upon the Commissioner or Department or upon personssubject to the Commissioner's jurisdiction, which deadlines and deemerprovisions would otherwise operate during the time period for which theoperations of the Department have been substantially affected. The order shallremain in effect for a period not exceeding 30 days. The order may be renewedby the Commissioner for successive periods not exceeding 30 days each for aslong as the operations of the Department remain substantially affected, up to aperiod of one year from the effective date of the initial order. (2006‑145, s. 3.)