§ 58‑3‑150. Formsto be approved by Commissioner.
(a) It is unlawful forany insurance company licensed and admitted to do business in this State toissue, sell, or dispose of any policy, contract, or certificate, or useapplications in connection therewith, until the forms of the same have beensubmitted to and approved by the Commissioner, and copies filed in theDepartment. If a policy form filing is disapproved by the Commissioner, theCommissioner may return the filing to the filer. As used in this section,"policy form" includes endorsements, riders, or amendments topolicies that have already been approved by the Commissioner.
(b) With respect togroup and blanket accident and health insurance, group life insurance, andgroup annuity policies issued and delivered to a trust or to an associationoutside of this State and covering persons resident in this State, the groupcertificates to be delivered or issued for delivery in this State shall befiled with and approved by the Commissioner pursuant to subsection (a) of thissection.
(c) If not submittedelectronically, all contracts, literature, advertising materials, letters, andother documents submitted to the Department to comply with the filingrequirements of this Chapter or an administrative rule adopted pursuant to thisChapter shall be submitted on paper eight and one‑half inches by eleveninches. Brochures and pamphlets shall not be stapled or bound. (1907, c. 879; 1913, c. 139;C.S., s. 6312; 1945, c. 377; 1987, c. 752, s. 7; 1989, c. 485, s. 9; 1991, c.720, ss. 5, 51; 1993, c. 506, s. 1; 1998‑211, s. 37.3(a); 2003‑290,s. 3.)