§ 58‑33A‑40. (Effective July 1, 2010) License.
(a) Unless deniedlicensure under this Article, persons who have met the requirements of thisArticle shall be issued a public adjuster license.
(b) A public adjusterlicense shall remain in effect unless revoked, terminated, or suspended as longas the request for renewal and fee set forth in G.S. 58‑33‑125 ispaid and any other requirements for license renewal are met by the due date.
(c) The licensee shallinform the Commissioner by any means acceptable to the Commissioner of a changeof address, change of legal name, or change of information submitted on theapplication within 30 days after the change.
(d) A licensed publicadjuster shall be subject to Article 63 of this Chapter.
(e) A public adjusterwho allows his or her license to lapse may, within 12 months from the due dateof the renewal, be issued a new public adjuster license upon the Commissioner'sreceipt of the request for renewal. However, an administrative fee in theamount of double the unpaid renewal fee shall be required for the issuance ofthe new public adjuster license. The new public adjuster license shall beeffective the date the Commissioner receives the request for renewal and thelate payment penalty.
(f) Any publicadjuster licensee that fails to apply for renewal of a license beforeexpiration of the current license shall pay a lapsed license fee of twice thelicense fee and be subject to other penalties as provided by law before thelicense will be renewed. If the Department receives the request forreinstatement and the required lapsed license fee within 60 days after the datethe license lapsed, the Department shall reinstate the license retroactively tothe date the license lapsed. If the Department receives the request for reinstatementand the required lapsed license fee after 60 days but within one year of thedate the license lapsed, the Department shall reinstate the licenseprospectively with the date the license is reinstated. If the person appliesfor reinstatement more than one year from the date of lapse, the person shallreapply for the license under this Article.
(g) A licensed publicadjuster who is unable to comply with license renewal procedures because ofmilitary service, a long‑term medical disability, or some otherextenuating circumstance may request a waiver of those procedures. The publicadjuster may also request a waiver of any examination requirement, fine, orother sanction imposed for failure to comply with renewal procedures.
(h) The license shallcontain the licensee's name, city and state of business address, personalidentification number, the date of issuance, the expiration date, and any otherinformation the Commissioner deems necessary.
(i) In order to assistin the performance of the Commissioner's duties, the Commissioner may contractwith nongovernmental entities, including the NAIC or any affiliates orsubsidiaries that the NAIC oversees, to perform any ministerial functionsrelated to licensing, including the collection of fees and data, that theCommissioner may deem appropriate. (2009‑565, s. 1.)