§ 58‑33A‑60. (Effective July 1, 2010) Public adjuster fees.
(a) A public adjustershall not pay a commission, service fee, or other valuable consideration to aperson for investigating or settling claims in this State if that person isrequired to be licensed under this Article and is not so licensed.
(b) A person shall notaccept a commission, service fee, or other valuable consideration forinvestigating or settling claims in this State if that person is required to belicensed under this Article and is not so licensed.
(c) A public adjustermay pay or assign commission, service fees, or other valuable consideration topersons who do not investigate or settle claims in this State, unless thepayment would violate G.S. 58‑33‑85 or G.S. 58‑63‑15(8).
(d) In the event of acatastrophic incident, there shall be limits on catastrophic fees. No publicadjuster shall charge, agree to, or accept as compensation or reimbursement anypayment, commission, fee, or other thing of value equal to more than tenpercent (10%) of any insurance settlement or proceeds. No public adjuster shallrequire, demand, or accept any fee, retainer, compensation, deposit, or otherthing of value before settlement of a claim. (2009‑565, s. 1.)