§ 58‑50‑215. Nonduplication of benefits.
(a) The Pool shall bepayor of last resort of benefits whenever any other benefit or source of third‑partypayment is available. Benefits otherwise payable under coverage shall bereduced by all amounts paid or payable through any other medical care benefitsand by all hospital and medical expenses paid or payable under any workers'compensation coverage notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,automobile medical payment, or liability insurance, whether provided on thebasis of fault or no‑fault, and by any hospital or medical benefits paidor payable under or provided pursuant to any State or federal law or program.
(b) The Pool shall havea cause of action against an eligible person for the recovery of the amount ofbenefits paid that are not for covered expenses. Benefits due from the Pool maybe reduced or refused as a setoff against any amount recoverable under thissubsection. (2007‑532,s. 1.1.)