Nature of Policies.
§ 58‑51‑1. Form,classification and rates to be approved by Commissioner.
No policy of insurance againstloss or damage from the sickness or the bodily injury or death of the insuredby accident shall be issued or delivered to any person in this State until acopy of the form thereof and of the classification of risks and the premiumrates pertaining thereto have been filed with, and the forms approved by, theCommissioner. If the Commissioner shall notify, in writing, the company orother insurer which has filed such form that it does not comply with therequirements of law, specifying the reasons for his opinion, it shall beunlawful thereafter for any such insurer to issue any policy in such form. Theaction of the Commissioner in this regard shall be subject to review by anycourt of competent jurisdiction; but nothing in this Article shall be construedto give jurisdiction to any court not already having jurisdiction. (1911,c. 209, s. 1; 1913, c. 91, s. 1; C.S., s. 6477; 1945, c. 385; 1991, c. 720, s.4.)