§58‑58‑35. Discrimination between insurants forbidden.
A life insurance company doingbusiness in this State shall not make any distinction or discrimination infavor of individuals between insurants of the same class and equal expectationof life in the amount of payment of premiums or rates charged for policies oflife or endowment insurance, or in the dividends or other benefits payablethereon, or in any of the terms and conditions of the contracts it makes; norshall any such company or any agent thereof make any contract of insurance oragreement as to such contract other than as plainly expressed in the policyissued thereon, nor pay or allow as inducement to insurance any rebate ofpremium payable on the policy, or any special favor or advantage in thedividends or other benefit to accrue thereon, or any valuable consideration orinducement whatever not specified in the policy contract of insurance; norgive, sell, or purchase, or offer to give, sell, or purchase as inducement toinsurance or in connection therewith any stocks, bonds, or other securities ofany insurance company or other corporation, association, or partnership, or anydividends or profits to accrue therein, or anything of value whatsoever notspecified in the policy. (1899, c. 54, s. 57; 1903, c. 438, ss. 5, 10; Rev., s.4775; 1911, c. 196, s. 7; C.S., s. 6458.)