§ 58‑63‑75. Senior‑specific certifications and professional designations; rules.
The Commissioner may adoptrules to set forth standards to protect consumers from misleading andfraudulent marketing practices with respect to the use of senior‑specificcertifications and professional designations in the solicitation, sale, orpurchase of, or advice made in connection with, a life insurance or annuityproduct. These rules shall be substantially similar to the NAIC ModelRegulation on the Use of Senior‑Specific Certifications and ProfessionalDesignations in the Sale of Life Insurance and Annuities, as amended. TheCommissioner may adopt, amend, or repeal provisions of these rules under G.S.150B‑21.1 in order to keep these rules current with the NAIC model rule. (2009‑382, s. 15.)