§58‑65‑70. Contracts to cover any person possessing the sickle celltrait or hemoglobin C trait.
No hospital, medical, dental,or any health service governed by this Article and Article 66 of this Chaptershall refuse to issue or deliver any individual or group hospital, dental,medical, or health service contract in this State which it is currently issuingfor delivery in this State, and which affords benefits or coverage for anymedical treatment or service authorized or permitted to be furnished by a hospital,clinic, family health clinic, neighborhood health clinic, health maintenanceorganization, physician, physician's assistant, nurse practitioner or anymedical service facility or personnel, on account of the fact that the personwho is to be insured possesses sickle cell trait or hemoglobin C trait; norshall any such policy issued and delivered in this State carry a higher premiumrate or charge on account of the fact that the person who is to be insuredpossesses sickle cell trait. (1975, c. 599, s. 2.)