§ 58‑70‑35. Application fee; issuance of permit; contents and duration.
(a) Upon the filing ofthe application and information required by this Article, the applicant shallpay a nonrefundable fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000), and no permit may beissued until this fee is paid. Fees collected under this subsection shall beused in paying the expenses incurred in connection with the consideration ofsuch applications and the issuance of such permits.
(b) Each permit shallstate the name of the applicant, his place of business, and the nature and kindof business in which he is engaged. The Commissioner shall assign to the permita serial number for each year, and each permit shall be for a period of oneyear, beginning with July 1 and ending with June 30 of the following year.
(c) A permit isassignable or transferable only if the assignee or transferee qualifies underthe provisions of this Article. Upon any change in ownership of a permittee, ifa sole proprietorship or partnership, or upon a change in ownership of morethan fifty percent (50%) of the shares or voting rights of a corporatepermittee, a permit issued to a permittee is void unless within 30 days of thechange of ownership the new owner or owners have satisfied the Commissionerthat he or they qualify for a permit under this Article, and he or theymaintain a bond in accordance with and in the amount required for a renewalbond under G.S. 58‑70‑20. (1931, c. 217, s. 4; 1979, c. 835; 1983, c. 790, s.10; 1989, c. 441, s. 8; 1991, c. 721, s. 3; 2009‑451, s. 21.5(a).)