§58‑70‑60. Statements to be furnished each collection creditor.
(a) Acknowledgment ofAccounts. When any account is received for collection, the permit holdershall upon request furnish the collection creditor or forwarder with a writtenlisting or acknowledgment of the accounts received.
(b) RemittanceStatements. Each permit holder shall remit all moneys due to any collectioncreditor or forwarder within 30 days after the end of the collection monthduring which the collection was effected. The remittance shall be accompaniedby a statement setting forth:
(1) The date ofremittance;
(2) The debtor's name;
(3) The date or month ofcollection and amount collected from each debtor; and
(4) A breakdown showingmoney collected from each debtor and the amount due the creditor or forwarder. (1979,c. 835.)