§ 58‑70‑70. Receipt requirement.
(a) Whenever a paymentis received in cash from a debtor, forwardee, or other person, an originalreceipt or an exact copy thereof shall be furnished the individual from whompayment is received. Evidence of all receipts issued shall be kept in thepermit holder's office for three years. All receipts issued must:
(1) Be prenumbered bythe printer and used and filed in consecutive numerical order;
(2) Show the name,street address and permit number of the permit holder;
(3) Show the name of thecreditor or creditors for whom collected;
(4) Show the amount anddate paid; and
(5) Show the last nameof the person accepting payment.
(b) Whenever payment inany form is received by or on behalf of a debt buyer, in addition to meetingthe requirements set forth in subsection (a) of this section, the receipt shallalso:
(1) Show the name of thecreditor or creditors for whom collected, the account number assigned by thecreditor or creditors for whom collected, and if the current creditor is notthe original creditor, the account number assigned by the original creditor.
(2) State clearlywhether the payment is accepted as either payment in full or as a full andfinal compromise of the debt, and if not, the receipt shall state clearly thebalance due after payment is credited. (1979, c. 835; 2009‑573, s. 4(b).)