§ 58‑71‑165. Report required.
(a) Each professionalbail bondsman shall file with the Commissioner a written report in a formprescribed by the Commissioner regarding all bail bonds on which the bondsmanis liable as of the first day of each month showing (i) each individual bonded,(ii) the date the bond was given, (iii) the principal sum of the bond, (iv) theState or local official to whom given, and (v) the fee charged for the bondingservice in each instance.
(b) Each insurer thatappoints surety bondsmen in this State shall file with the Commissioner awritten report in a form adopted by the Commissioner regarding all bail bondson which the insurer is liable as of the last day of each calendar quartershowing the total dollar amount for which the insurer is liable. The reportshall be filed on or before the fifteenth day following the end of eachcalendar quarter.
(c) The reportsrequired by subsection (a) of this section shall be filed on or before thefifteenth day of each month.
(d) Any person who knowinglyand willfully falsifies a report required by this section is guilty of a ClassI felony. (1975,c. 619, s. 1; 1989, c. 485, s. 43; 1991, c. 644, s. 20; 1993, c. 539, s. 1276;1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1998‑211, s. 27; 2007‑484, s.44.5; 2007‑507, s. 14.)