Investigation of Firesand Inspection of Premises.
§ 58‑79‑1. Firesinvestigated; reports; records.
The Attorney General, throughthe State Bureau of Investigation, and the chief of the fire department, orchief of police where there is no chief of the fire department, inmunicipalities and towns, and the county fire marshal and the sheriff of thecounty and the chief of the rural fire department where such fire occursoutside of a municipality, are hereby authorized to investigate the cause, origin,and circumstances of every fire occurring in such municipalities or counties inwhich property has been destroyed or damaged, and shall specially makeinvestigation whether the fire was the result of carelessness or design. Apreliminary investigation shall be made by the chief of fire department orchief of police, where there is no chief of fire department in municipalities,and by the county fire marshal and the sheriff of the county or the chief ofthe rural fire department where such fire occurs outside of a municipality, andmust be begun within three days, exclusive of Sunday, of the occurrence of thefire, and the Attorney General, through the State Bureau of Investigation,shall have the right to supervise and direct the investigation when he deems itexpedient or necessary.
The officer making theinvestigation of fires shall forthwith notify the Attorney General, and mustwithin one week of the occurrence of the fire furnish to the Attorney General awritten statement of all facts relating to the cause and origin of the fire,the kind, value and ownership of the property destroyed, and such otherinformation as is called for by the forms provided by the Attorney General.Departments capable of submitting the required information by the utilizationof computers and related equipment, by means of an approved format of standardpunch cards, magnetic tapes or an approved telecommunications system, may do soin lieu of the submission of the written statement as provided for in thissection. The Attorney General shall keep in his office a record of all reportssubmitted pursuant to this section. These reports shall at all times be open topublic inspection. (1899, c. 58; 1901, c. 387; 1903, c. 719; Rev., s.4818; C.S., s. 6074; 1943, c. 170; 1969, c. 894; 1977, c. 596, s. 1.)