Article 82A.
Pyrotechnics Training andPermitting.
(Effective February 1,2010)
§ 58‑82A‑1. (Effective February 1, 2010) State Fire Marshal establish pyrotechnic safetyguidelines.
(a) Guidelines. TheState Fire Marshal, in consultation with the State Fire and Rescue Commission,must establish guidelines, testing, and training requirements for thefollowing:
(1) Individuals whoassist a display operator with the exhibition, use, handling, or discharge ofpyrotechnics in connection with a concert or public exhibition authorized underArticle 54 of Chapter 14 of the General Statutes.
(2) Individuals seekingto obtain a display operator permit under this Article.
(b) Definitions. Thedefinitions in G.S. 14‑410 apply in this Article.
(c) Rule making. The Commissionermay adopt rules to implement this Article. (2009‑507, s. 3.)