North Carolina Firemen'sand Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund.
§ 58‑86‑1. Fundestablished; administration by board of trustees; rules and regulations.
For the purpose of furtheringthe general welfare and police powers and obligations of the State with respectto the protection of all its citizens from the consequences of loss or damageby fire and of injury by serious accident or illness, of increasing theprotection of life and property against loss or damage by fire, of improvingfire fighting and life saving techniques, of increasing the potential of firedepartments, rescue squads, organizations and groups, of fostering increasedand more widely spread training of personnel of these organizations and groups,and of providing incentive and inducement to participate in fire prevention,fire fighting and rescue squad activities and for the establishment of new,improved or extended fire departments, rescue squads, organizations and groupsto the end that ultimately all areas of the State and all of its citizens willreceive the benefits of fire protection and rescue squads' activity and aresulting reduction of loss or damage to life and property by fire hazard orinjury by serious accident or illness, and in recognition of the public servicerendered to the State of North Carolina and its citizens by "eligiblefiremen and rescue squad workers," as defined by this Article, there iscreated in this State a fund to be known, and designated as "The NorthCarolina Firemen's and Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund" to beadministered as provided in this Article.
The North Carolina Firemen'sand Rescue Squad Workers' Pension Fund is established to provide pensionallowances and other benefits for eligible firemen and rescue squad workers inthe State who elect to become members of the fund. The board of trusteescreated by this Article shall have authority to administer the fund and shallmake necessary rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of thisArticle. (1957, c. 1420, s. 1; 1959, c. 1212, s. 1; 1961, c.980; 1981, c. 1029, s. 1.)