§ 58‑89A‑65. Fees.
(a) Each applicant fora professional employer organization license or de minimis registration shallpay to the Commissioner, before the issuance of the license, a nonrefundableapplication fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(b) Each licensee shallpay to the Commissioner when filing the information required under G.S. 58‑89A‑70(d)an annual filing fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(c) Each applicant foralternative licensing under G.S. 58‑89A‑76 and each applicant forrenewal of a license provided under G.S. 58‑89A‑76 shall pay to theCommissioner, before issuance or renewal of the license, a fee of five hundreddollars ($500.00).
(d) When theCommissioner finds that a licensee has committed an act that is a ground fordisciplinary violation under G.S. 58‑89A‑155 or that a licensee hascommitted a prohibited act in violation of G.S. 58‑89A‑170, andsuch decision becomes final following the conclusion of all administrative orjudicial proceedings, the Commissioner may charge an applicant or licenseereasonable fees to recover the Department's costs associated withinvestigations, inspections, examinations, and any other administrative orenforcement responsibilities created under this Article.
(e) Fees collected bythe Commissioner under this Article shall be deposited in the InsuranceRegulatory Fund under G.S. 58‑6‑25 and shall be used to implementthis Article. (2002‑168,s. 8; 2004‑162, s. 1; 2005‑124, s. 2.)