Article 90.
Health InsuranceInnovations Commission.
§ 58‑90‑1. Findings and Purpose.
The General Assembly findsthat a crisis exists in the availability and affordability of adequate healthinsurance coverage for small business owners and employees in this State. Thesefindings indicate that greater than fifty percent (50%) of the statewideworkforce is employed by small business, that there are 1,154,000 NorthCarolinians who are not covered by health insurance, and that more than sixtypercent (60%) of these citizens either own or work for a small business, or arethe dependent of a small business owner or employee. The findings furtherindicate that 16 health insurance carriers left the North Carolina small grouphealth coverage market in 2001, an all‑time high, that virtually no smallgroup health insurance carriers have entered the North Carolina market in thelast two years, and that dramatic increases in premium rates are the primaryreason for the alarming decrease in availability of health insurance coveragefor small business. The purpose of this act is to quickly and effectivelyaddress this crisis through the collaborative efforts of persons involved inand affected by the declining availability of health insurance for the State'ssmall employer workforce. It is the intent of the General Assembly to achievethis purpose through the establishment of the North Carolina Health InsuranceInnovations Commission in accordance with this Article. (2004‑175, s.1)