§ 59‑73.22. Articles ofconversion.
(a) After a plan ofconversion has been approved by the converting domestic partnership as providedin G.S. 59‑73.21, the converting domestic partnership shall deliverarticles of conversion to the Secretary of State for filing. The articles ofconversion shall state:
(1) The name of theconverting domestic partnership;
(2) The name of theresulting business entity, its type of business entity, the state or countrywhose laws govern its organization and internal affairs, and, if the resultingbusiness entity is not authorized to transact business or conduct affairs inthis State, a designation of its mailing address and a commitment to file withthe Secretary of State a statement of any subsequent change in its mailing address;and
(3) That a plan ofconversion has been approved by the domestic partnership as required by law.
(b) If the domesticpartnership is converting to a business entity whose formation requires thefiling of a document with the Secretary of State, then notwithstandingsubsection (a) of this section the articles of conversion shall be included aspart of that document and shall contain the information required by the lawsgoverning the organization and internal affairs of the resulting business entity.
(c) If the plan ofconversion is abandoned after the articles of conversion have been filed withthe Secretary of State but before the articles of conversion become effective,the converting domestic partnership shall deliver to the Secretary of State forfiling prior to the time the articles of conversion become effective anamendment of the articles of conversion withdrawing the articles of conversion.
(d) The conversiontakes effect when the articles of conversion become effective.
(e) Certificates of conversionshall also be registered as provided in G.S. 47‑18.1. (2001‑387, s. 111; 2001‑487,s. 62(u).)