§ 59B‑7. Liability ofmembers or other persons.
(a) A nonprofitassociation is a legal entity separate from its members for the purposes ofdetermining and enforcing rights, duties, and liabilities.
(b) A person is notliable for the contract, tort, or other obligations of a nonprofit associationmerely because the person is a member, is authorized to participate in themanagement of the affairs of the nonprofit association, or is referred to as a"member" by the nonprofit association.
(c) Reserved for futurecodification purposes.
(d) A tortious act oromission of a member or other person for which a nonprofit association isliable is not imputed to a person merely because the person is a member of thenonprofit association, is authorized to participate in the management of theaffairs of the nonprofit association, or is referred to as a "member"by the nonprofit association.
(e) A member of, or aperson referred to as a "member" by, a nonprofit association mayassert a claim against or on behalf of the nonprofit association. A nonprofitassociation may assert a claim against a member or a person referred to as a"member" by the nonprofit association. (2006‑226, s. 1.)