Article 3.
Contempt by Juveniles.
§ 5A‑31. Contempt by ajuvenile.
(a) Each of thefollowing, when done by an unemancipated minor who (i) is at least six years ofage, (ii) is not yet 16 years of age, and (iii) has not been convicted of anycrime in superior court, is contempt by a juvenile:
(1) Willful behaviorcommitted during the sitting of a court and directly tending to interrupt itsproceedings.
(2) Willful behaviorcommitted during the sitting of a court in its immediate view and presence anddirectly tending to impair the respect due its authority.
(3) Willful disobedienceof, resistance to, or interference with a court's lawful process, order,directive, or instruction or its execution.
(4) Willful refusal tobe sworn or affirmed as a witness, or, when so sworn or affirmed, willfulrefusal to answer any legal and proper question when the refusal is not legallyjustified.
(5) Willful or grosslynegligent failure to comply with schedules and practices of the court resultingin substantial interference with the business of the court.
(6) Willful refusal totestify or produce other information upon the order of a judge acting pursuantto Article 61 of Chapter 15A of the General Statutes, Granting of Immunity toWitnesses.
(7) Willfulcommunication with a juror in an improper attempt to influence the juror'sdeliberations.
(8) Any other act oromission specified in another Chapter of the General Statutes as grounds forcriminal contempt.
(b) Contempt by ajuvenile is direct contempt by a juvenile when each of the following conditionsis met:
(1) The act is committedwithin the sight or hearing of a presiding judicial official.
(2) The act is committedin, or in the immediate proximity to, the room where proceedings are being heldbefore the court.
(3) The act is likely tointerrupt or interfere with matters then before the court.
(c) Contempt by ajuvenile that is not direct contempt by a juvenile is indirect contempt by ajuvenile. (2007‑168,s. 1.)