§61‑7. Governing body of assembly authorized to adopt trafficregulations.
(a) The governing bodyof any religious organization or assembly may by appropriate resolutionestablish rules and regulations with respect to the use of the streets, roads,alleys, driveways, and parking lots on the grounds or premises owned or underthe exclusive control of such organization, and it shall be unlawful for anyperson to park a motor vehicle or other vehicle on the streets, roads or on thepremises of a religious assembly where parking has been prohibited by thereligious assembly by the erection of "No Parking" signs at eachspace on the street, road or on the premises where parking is prohibited. Eachspace in which parking is prohibited shall be clearly designated as such by asign no smaller than 24 inches by 24 inches. All rules and regulations adoptedpursuant to the authority of this section shall be recorded in the proceedingsof said governing body and copies thereof shall be filed in the office of theSecretary of State of North Carolina.
(b) It shall beunlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle or other vehicle in a parkingspace on the streets, roads, or premises of a religious assembly where theparking space has been designated by the religious assembly as being limited toa named individual or to a person holding a named position with the assembly;provided, that such private parking space or private parking lot be clearlydesignated as such by a sign no smaller than 24 inches by 24 inches prominentlydisplayed at the entrance to the parking lot, if within a parking lot, andprovided further that the private parking spaces within the lot or the privateparking spaces on the streets, roads or on the premises of the religiousassembly be clearly marked by signs setting forth the name of each individualfor whom the space is reserved or the name of the position held with theassembly for which space is reserved.
(c) It shall beunlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle or other vehicle on the streetsor roads of a religious assembly, except where parking is expressly designated,so as to interfere with, or obstruct the free flow of vehicular traffic on thestreets or roads within the assembly grounds.
(d) It shall beunlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle or other vehicle at theentrance to any driveway on the grounds of a religious assembly so as to blockthe driveway.
(e) Any vehicle parkedin violation of subsections (a), (b), (c), or (d) may be removed by theassembly, or its agents, or its employees to a place of storage and theregistered owner of such motor vehicle shall become liable for removal andstorage charges. Any person who removes a vehicle pursuant tosubsections (a), (b), (c), or (d) shall not be held liable for damages for theremoval of the vehicle to the owner, lienholder or other person legallyentitled to the possession of the vehicle removed; however, any person whointentionally or negligently damages a vehicle in the removal of such vehicle,or intentionally or negligently inflicts injury upon any person in the removalof such vehicle, may be held liable for damages.
(f) A "religiousassembly" is defined as being a corporation or association formed for thepurpose of providing a resort community for religious and recreational purposesand where the streets and roads are solely maintained by the religious assemblywithout governmental funds. (1977, c. 398, s. 1; 1989, c.644, s. 3; 1989, c. 644, s. 3.)