Article 5A.
Siting of Transmission Lines.
§ 62‑100. Definitions.
As used in this Article:
(1) The term "begin to construct" includes anyclearing of land, excavation, or other action that would adversely affect thenatural environment of the route of a transmission line; but that term does notinclude land surveys, boring to ascertain geological conditions, or similarpreliminary work undertaken to determine the suitability of proposed routes fora transmission line that results in temporary changes to the land;
(2) The word "county" means any one of the countieslisted in G.S. 153A‑10;
(3) The word "land" means any real estate or anyestate or interest in real estate, including water and riparian rights,regardless of the use to which it is devoted;
(4) The word "lines" means distribution lines andtransmission lines collectively;
(5) The word "municipality" means any incorporatedcommunity, whether designated as a city, town, or village and any area overwhich it exercises any of the powers granted by Article 19 of Chapter 160A ofthe General Statutes;
(6) The term "public utility" means a person, whetherorganized under the laws of this State or under the laws of any other state orcountry, engaged in producing, generating, transmitting, delivering, or furnishingelectricity for private or public use, including counties, municipalities,joint municipal power agencies, electric membership corporations, and publicand private corporations; and
(7) The term "transmission line" means an electricline designed with a capacity of at least 161 kilovolts. (1991, c. 189, s. 1.)