§ 62‑132. Ratesestablished under this Chapter deemed just and reasonable; remedy forcollection of unjust or unreasonable rates.
The rates established under this Chapter by the Commission shall bedeemed just and reasonable, and any rate charged by any public utilitydifferent from those so established shall be deemed unjust and unreasonable.Provided, however, that upon petition filed by any interested person, and ahearing thereon, if the Commission shall find the rates or charges collected tobe other than the rates established by the Commission, and to be unjust,unreasonable, discriminatory or preferential, the Commission may enter an orderawarding such petitioner and all other persons in the same class a sum equal tothe difference between such unjust, unreasonable, discriminatory orpreferential rates or charges and the rates or charges found by the Commissionto be just and reasonable, nondiscriminatory and nonpreferential, to the extentthat such rates or charges were collected within two years prior to the filingof such petition. (1913, c. 127, s.3; C.S., s. 1067; 1929, cc. 241, 342; 1933, c. 134, s. 8; 1941, c. 97; 1963, c.1165, s. 1.)