§ 62‑133.1. Smallwater and sewer utility rates.
(a) In fixing the rates for any water or sewer utility, theCommission may fix such rates on the ratio of the operating expenses to theoperating revenues, such ratio to be determined by the Commission, unless theutility requests that such rates be fixed under G.S. 62‑133(b). Nothingin this subsection shall be held to extinguish any remedy or right notinconsistent herewith. This subsection shall be in addition to other provisionsof this Chapter which relate to public utilities generally, except that incases of conflict between such other provisions, this section shall prevail forwater and sewer utilities.
(b) A water or sewer utility may enter into uniform contractswith nonusers of its utility service within a specific subdivision ordevelopment for the payment by such nonusers to the utility of a fee or chargefor placing or maintaining lines or other facilities or otherwise making andkeeping such utility's service available to such nonusers; or such a utilitymay, by contract of assignment, receive the benefits and assume the obligationsof uniform contracts entered into between the developers of subdivisions andthe purchasers of lots in such subdivisions whereby such developer hascontracted to make utility service available to lots in such subdivision andpurchasers of such lots have contracted to pay a fee or charge for theavailability of such utility service; provided, however, that the maximumnonuser rate shall be as established by contract, except that the contractualcharge to nonusers of the utility service can never exceed the lawfullyestablished minimum rate to user customers of the utility service. (1973, c. 956, s. 2.)