§ 62‑136. Investigation of existing rates; changing unreasonable rates; certain refundsto be distributed to customers.
(a) Whenever the Commission, after a hearing had afterreasonable notice upon its own motion or upon complaint of anyone directlyinterested, finds that the existing rates in effect and collected by any publicutility are unjust, unreasonable, insufficient or discriminatory, or inviolation of any provision of law, the Commission shall determine the just,reasonable, and sufficient and nondiscriminatory rates to be thereafterobserved and in force, and shall fix the same by order.
(b) All municipalities in the State are deemed to be directlyinterested in the rates and service of public utilities operating in suchmunicipalities, and may institute or participate in proceedings before theCommission involving such rates or service. Any municipality may instituteproceedings before the Commission to eliminate unfair and unreasonablediscrimination in rates or service by any public utility between suchcomplainant or its inhabitants and any other municipality or its inhabitants,and the Commission shall, upon complaint, after hearing afforded to the publicutility affected and to all municipalities affected, have authority to removesuch discrimination.
(c) If any refund is made to a distributing company operating asa public utility in North Carolina of charges paid to the company from whichthe distributing company obtains the energy, service or commodity distributed,the Commission may, in cases where the charges have been included in rates paidby the customers of the distributing company, require said distributing companyto distribute said refund plus interest among the distributing company'scustomers in a manner prescribed by the Commission. The amount of said interestshall be determined pursuant to G.S. 62‑130(e). (Ex. Sess. 1913, c. 20, s. 7; C.S., s. 1083; 1933, c.134, s. 8; c. 307, s. 8; 1937, c. 401; 1941, c. 97; 1963, c. 1165, s. 1; 1981,c. 460, s. 1.)