§ 62‑162. Commission may approve in whole or in part or refuse approval.
The Commission, by its order, may grant or deny the applicationprovided for in the preceding section [G.S. 62‑161] as made, or may grantit in part or deny it in part or may grant it with such modification and uponsuch terms and conditions as the Commission may deem necessary or appropriatein the premises and may, from time to time, for good cause shown, make suchsupplemental orders in the premises as it may deem necessary or appropriate andmay, by any such supplemental order, modify the provisions of any previousorder as to the particular purposes, uses, and extent to which or theconditions under which any securities so authorized or the proceeds thereof maybe applied; subject always to the requirements of the foregoing section [G.S.62‑161]. (1933, c. 307, s.19; 1963, c. 1165, s. 1.)