§ 62‑181. Electricand hydroelectric power companies may appropriate highways; conditions.
Every electric power or hydroelectric power corporation, person, firmor copartnership which may exercise the right of eminent domain under theChapter Eminent Domain, where in the development of electric or hydroelectricpower it shall become necessary to use or occupy any public highway, or anypart of the same, after obtaining the consent of the public road authoritieshaving supervision of such public highway, shall have power to appropriate saidpublic highway for the development of electric or hydroelectric power:Provided, that said electric power or hydroelectric power corporation shallconstruct an equally good public highway, by a route to be selected by andsubject to the approval and satisfaction of the public road authorities havingsupervision of such public highway: Provided further, that said company shallpay all damages to be assessed as provided by law, by the damming of water, thediscontinuance of the road, and for the laying out of said new road. (1911, c. 114; C.S., s. 1696; 1939, c. 228, s. 2;1963, c. 1165, s. 1.)