§ 62‑183. Grant ofeminent domain.
Such telegraph, telephone, electric power or lighting company shall beentitled, upon making just compensation therefor, to the right‑of‑wayover the lands, privileges and easements of other persons and corporations, includingrights‑of‑way for the construction, maintenance, and operation ofpipelines for transporting fuel to their power plants; and to the right toerect poles and towers, to establish offices, and to take such lands as may benecessary for the establishment of their reservoirs, ponds, dams, works,railroads, or sidetracks, or powerhouses, with the right to divert the waterfrom such ponds or reservoirs, and conduct the same by flume, ditch, conduit,waterway or pipeline, or in any other manner, to the point of use for thegeneration of power at its said powerhouses, returning said water to its properchannel after being so used. (1874‑5, c. 203, s. 4; Code, s. 2009; 1899, c. 64; 1903, c. 562;Rev., s. 1573; 1907, c. 74; C.S., s. 1698; 1921, c. 115; 1923, c. 60; 1925, c.175; 1957, c. 1046; 1963, c. 1165, s. 1; 1981, c. 919, s. 2.)