§ 62‑20. Participation by Attorney General in Commission proceedings.
The Attorney General may intervene, when he deems it to be advisable inthe public interest, in proceedings before the Commission on behalf of theusing and consuming public, including utility users generally and agencies ofthe State. The Attorney General may institute and originate proceedings beforethe Commission in the name of the State, its agencies or citizens, in matterswithin the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Attorney General may appearbefore such State and federal courts and agencies as he deems it advisable inmatters affecting public utility services. In the performance of hisresponsibilities under this section, the Attorney General shall have the rightto employ expert witnesses, and the compensation and expenses therefor shall bepaid from the Contingency and Emergency Fund. The Commission shall furnish theAttorney General with copies of all applications, petitions, pleadings, orderand decisions filed with or entered by the Commission. The Attorney Generalshall have access to all books, papers, studies, reports and other documentsfiled with the Commission. (1949, c. 989, s. 1; c. 1029, s. 3; 1959, c. 400; 1963, c. 1165, s. 1;1977, c. 468, s. 8.)