§ 62‑35. System ofaccounts.
(a) The Commission may establish a system of accounts to be keptby the public utilities under its jurisdiction, or may classify said publicutilities and establish a system of accounts for each class, and prescribe themanner of keeping such accounts.
(b) The Commission may require any public utility under itsjurisdiction to keep separate or allocate the revenue from and the cost ofdoing interstate and intrastate business in North Carolina.
(c) The Commission may ascertain, determine, and prescribe whatare proper and adequate charges for depreciation of the several classes ofproperty for each public utility. The Commission may prescribe such changes insuch charges for depreciation as it finds necessary. (Ex. Sess. 1913, c. 20, s. 14; C.S., s. 1088; 1931, c.455; 1933, c. 134, s. 8; c. 307, s. 13; 1941, c. 97; 1963, c. 1165, s. 1.)